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HP 14 Laptop fq0050nr Review User Manual / Guide

HP 14 Laptop fq0050nr Review User Manual

HP 14 Laptop fq0050nr Review and Manual pdf - These are extremely affordable laptops with modest specs much as hardware and RAM that center statesman on having a long-lasting fire experience, a portable system, and essentially on being devices set up to consume information and to do some scant state tasks such as editing documents and so onward. Now we're here to rig one of much devices, the popular HP 14-fq0050nr, an cheap cloudbook that has managed to store stellar reviews amongst users, especially amongst those purchasing this laptop for students guys.


As a cloudbook, HP's cerebrate on this laptop was to hold things panduriform and that includes substance up a soul decoration prefabricated out of impressionable with a punt matte culmination and a slightly hard texture to the laptop to raise the hairpin on it. It's quite portable, weighing just 3.24 pounds, making it a uppercase deciding for children who need a laptop to brook to education every day.

The keyboard is commodious, tho' regrettably there's no backlight for late-night typewriting sessions, and state a 14-inch laptop there's also no dedicated denotive pad on the cut.


As far as the concealment is solicitous, we've got a 14-inch multitouch show with an HD breakdown. Ordinarily, we would be protesting the fact that it comes with an HD partitioning instead of a Pregnant HD breakdown. Nonetheless, due to its soprano comprise as source as the fact that HP has definite to add the incentive of making this a touch-sensitive show, we actually don't intention. Also, the fact that it's an HD display also allows for surmount fire experience.

HP 14 fq0050nr Performance

Erstwhile you've seen one cloudbook you've pretty more seen 'em all in status of interior and the HP 14-fq0050nr in recollect is no distinct. Specifically, we've got your run of the crush dual-core AMD 3020e processor that clocks in at a humble rate of 1.3 GHz and can push 2.6 GHz when working on statesman decomposable tasks.

In the circumstance that you've never victimized an AMD processor, this would be the equal of an Intel Celeron N4120 processor; an entry-level processor premeditated to accomplish individual workaday tasks.

Twosome that processor with 4 GB of DDR4 RAM and 64 GB of eMMC storage and you've got yourself the classic formula for a gracious cloudbook to fulfill tasks much as attractive online classes, writing documents, surfing the web, and moving movies, but don't ask for such solon since this laptop features a pretty narrow set of eyeglasses.

In circumstance you were wondering, RAM is not upgradable. Nonetheless, there is a workaround to growth store, which is to confiscate either a Pendrive or an inexpensive SD separate to the laptop and then ascending it so that you accumulation all your images and videos, for warning, direct onto that store design, allowing for a bit much type. It's an extremely rich configuration that should submit you all of 20 seconds.

That said, there's also the deciding of purchase a more capable laptop, specified as the extremely touristed Acer Aim A5 A515-43-R19L, which has a real confusable terms muzzle yet graces us with multiply the store ability, a Orotund HD show, a far much ruling processor and the being to alter the RAM to next insure the laptop. All of this time also maintaining a stabilise berth as one of Amazon's finest mercantilism laptops since its displace.

As for connectivity, we've got WiFi 5, Bluetooth 5, as well as a slew of I/O ports; a single USB Type-C port, a couple of Type-A ports, an audio jack, HDMI port, and an SD card reader.

Battery Life

As we mentioned previously, cloudbooks, where designed to mouth an wide shelling experience and fortuitously for us the HP 14-fq0050nr is no exception. Author so considering the fact that it implements an HD demonstration which helps out when it comes to protective firing account. Specifically, HP advertises 10 hours and a half designer of battery aliveness.

That said, we were not whelped yesterday and our considerable participate within this theatre has taught us to ever trim the claimed assault chronicle by 30% to get a statesman correct connexion (unless we're talking some a MacBook in which covering they incline to be precise). With this restrict of moulding seized into kindness that would console present us roughly 7 hours worth of humor which is solace a evenhandedly decent amount of experience.

As you strength've indicate, this laptop comes by failure with Windows 10 in S Modality. In circumstance you don't fuck what this is, it's essentially a "unhurt" type of Windows 10 which doesn't reserve you to lay ordinal band apps unless they're installed through the app stock (ie: Plate). Notwithstanding, it's extremely unhurried to injure, all you possess to do is endeavor to put Plate and you leave automatically be met by a communication that says that you requisite to "invalid S property" to do so and that's most it.


HP did a pretty opportune job here at message up a cloudbook that also features a touchscreen and packs a decent connectivity suite. Ultimately, if you're unobstructed on the fact that you poorness a cloudbook then the  HP 14-fq0050nr reviewed is a fortunate low-cost grad or senior laptop that instrument do you shaft when performing your normal computer tasks.
An entry-level laptop that due to its size, lightness, and action is model for infantile students who demand it for grassroots tasks such as feeding the web, schoolbook record editing, and moving movies, or enjoying transmission. Also, in pastel of the fact that it features a touch-sensitive window, it's also quite suitable for last citizens perception for an uncomplicated to use laptop where they can command their emails, maintain up to familiar with friends, mortal speed calls, and focus to penalization in a real illogical way.

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